
Get paid a year in advance for your crop

A fair price for your harvest

An existing orchard can simply designate some trees, put a value on likely yield and set their own price.

The current wholesale price will look very cheap to the renter and very profitable to the grower who will have only husbandry costs.

Rented trees need no picking, grading, packing, cold storage, packaging material, transport to market, or commission to a market agent.

What’s more, by knowing how many people will visit on designated days – controlling your costs – extra perishable produce from local farms can also be retailed with little risk of not being sold.

Benefits of renting your trees

What about new orchards?

Planting a new orchard is not a big financial outlay, especially if carried out in blocks, renting out a block before planting the next.

The real big costs for orchards  are from harvest to sales, but as these costs don’t exist for rented trees, there is only the purchase of the trees and husbandry until cropping gets going.

As the orchard grows, renters can request the planting of certain varieties of trees, contributing to the initial planting costs, personalising the connection with the grower.

As the renter has a specific tree, a bond quickly forms with the tree. They feel part of the whole orchard and the tree becomes their tree, creating a lovely atmosphere between renter, grower and orchard.

Free tools to promote your orchard

Create your own free listing in minutes

It’s easy to add your orchard to Simply enter a few details and you’ll be able to see what your listing will look like.

Submit your entry and your orchard will be verified and added to the site within 24 hours.

Free, customisable rental certificates

Choose from a selection of certificate designs and personalise them for your renters. 

Then send them – for free – to their email address, directly from your dashboard.

Free support to set up your listing

Computers not your thing? Don’t worry, you’ll find simple to follow how-to guides to get you up and running, and support is just a message away. 

We’ll have you up and running in no time.